Paul Byrne, a seasoned SAP Programme Director and Delivery Expert, to our community! With over 25 years of experience in delivering complex SAP S/4HANA programmes
I am humbled by the words of the SAP Learner Community you Guys and Girls are Awesome because we all need to learn something new everyday
Don’t let up, ask yourself at the end of each day
‘What did I learn today’
It doesn’t have to be about SAP, it can be about Your Family, People, The World, Yourself, Your Job.
What you learn won’t always be good
You might learn of a Personal Weakness but that’s good too, because you can fix it or you can decide that is not my Strength, I will ask for help in that area.
When you ask, someone will reach out and offer, we don’t know everything, we never will. Be The Best You that You can be Every Single Day, Be Kind, it pays back.
People might not remember what you say, they will remember how you make them feel
SAP Programme Director Dragon ERP
SAP Delivery Expert - Co-Founder Dragon 🐉 ERP
Paul Byrne, a seasoned SAP Programme Director and Delivery Expert, to our community! With over 25 years of experience in delivering complex SAP S/4HANA programmes, Paul Byrne is a driving force behind transformational change. Here's why he's a standout in the SAP landscape