Helping organisations establish the case for transformational change.

Fire Up your SAP journey.

Fire Up your SAP S/4HANA journey with Dragon ERP

SAP S/4HANA adoption is complex, resource intensive and will take significant investment in both time and capital spend. Our Fire Up service is designed to support new customers establish the case for transformational change “the why” and the total change undertaking.

$2 out of every $3 invested in transformation is wasted.
— World Economic Forum

Fire Up Service

We manage your expectations from day one by following a highly detailed evidenced based foundation methodology. Which helps determine:

  • Change should be supported by a clear business justification, a mixture of tactical and strategic required outcomes helping organisations navigate the new normal of constant geo-political disruption.

    We look at your business process pain points, your own ideation and areas of standard innovation offered by SAP.

  • We can help develop a detailed scope based upon required business outcomes aligned to geographies, legal entities, business areas, business process and support SAP tech.

    Tangible and non-tangible Benefits identified, quantified and assigned to business owners. Changes to the organisation model and structure such as business process outsourcing, shift to 3PL, need for end to end process owners and a business support model to keep the new operating model functioning identified.

    We identify conflicting business priorities and can support the prioritisation of your change roadmap.

    We help select the right flavour of SAP ERP, whether SAP S/4HANA Public, S/HANA Private PCE, SAP S4/HAHA on premise of other SAP Cloud products. We help define and select the matrix of SAP partners required to deliver your SAP journey.

  • Dragon ERP has a unique codified industrialised SAP Delivery model:

    Defining the C Suite “Need for change messaging leveraging standard SAP” to empower and enable the SAP adoption journey. Identifying the right C suite sponsor and right senior responsible business leader to oversee the transformation journey.

    We define the capacity and capabilities required. Define the delivery start date, approach and model adopting best practice SAP tooling and methodologies.

    Define the detailed holistic capax and opex funding model and total cost of ownership. We define the foundation strategies that must be defined before the programme can commence.

    We recommend an appropriate governance framework and quality plan and can even help develop the business case.

Free How to Start Playbook

Enter your details below to receive our free Starting your SAP Transformation playbook, which is aimed at C suite stakeholders and programme sponsors, to help shape the most important stage of the SAP adoption journey.

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