Is your SAP Programme failing to deliver? Dragon ERP can help turn it around.

Whatever your programmes circumstance, failure isn’t inevitable.

Organisations never set out to fail, but a  high number of business transformation programmes do hit the buffers and unfortunately according to World Economic Forum, $2 out of every $3 invested in digital business transformation is wasted.

We help private and public sector organisations succeed where others fail. We understand the complex nature of transformation failure and why it occurs on a such a regular basis, the reality is we see the same failure points time and time again. Our depth of delivery, technology and business change expertise enables us to take a holistic view of the organisation and the change it is struggling to sustain and embed.

In just 28 days our Fire Fighter service provides you with a clear understanding of the areas of weakness within your programme and a plan of the actions required to drastically improve your chances of successful delivery.

The failure rate of organisational change fluctuates between 60-70%


Fire Fighter from Dragon ERP, we stabilise and turn around failing SAP S/4HANA programmes

Free Programme Checklist

Worried your SAP programme may be failing? There are many early warning signs that your programme could be failing. Individually they might not seem significant, but often as these signs are missed, issues mount and senior business leaders are not made aware of problems in time to take corrective action. Ultimately this can result in the need for significant financial and reputational damage. Download our free confidence checklist for Programme Sponsors and Directors to determine the status of our programme today.