Dragon ERP welcomes Dan Cisar
Dragon ERP Europe’s fastest growing artisan SAP Boutique consultancy
5th October 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.
Paul Byrne and Alisdair Bach Co-Founders are pleased to announce that the incredibly experienced ERP thought leader and SAP delivery expert Dan Cisar, MBA,PMP, MSP has joined Dragon ERP to help European customers maximise their investment in SAP.
(11) Dan Cisar, MBA, PMP, MSP | LinkedIn
Dan comes with over two decades worth of complex ERP / SAP transformation delivery success, working with CxO’s across multiple industry sectors for many of the largest global brands.
Dragon ERP helps customers gain immediate value from their ERP / SAP investment.
Fire Up (Phase Zero)
Helping new and existing customers shape the journey to Cloud First and Future SAP, leveraging Dragon ERPs plug and play innovation methodology, enabling rapid Ebit and liquidity value realisation.
Dragon ERP has pioneered the “Digital Upcycling” concept to maximise the opportunities arsing from “Composable Future SAP”, whereby we help existing SAP ECC6 customers leverage their existing SAP investment and extend the use of their legacy SAP archithure whilst selectively benefiting from the latest in Cloud first, Future SAP and AWS PaaS driving rapid value and tangible benefit realisation.
Fire Power (Customer Side Delivery and Governance Leadership)
We focus upon establishing the target operating model as the product to be delivered and consumed by the enterprise, we provide full end to End delivery and design lifecyle leadership, modelled upon your scope, capacity and capability. We focus upon the customers obligations to successful value realisation, ensuring the standard ERP failure pain points are avoided.
We support Greenfield, Brownfield, Selective and hybrid Future SAP transformation programmes as well as our SAP S/4HANA Upgrade service including On-prem to Cloud migration, Compatibility pack migrations, and composable cloud application replacement of SAP capability (its complex !).
#S/4HANACloud #S/4HANAPublicCloudEdition #BTP # SAPCloud
Dragon ERP leveraging our Fire Fighter service below are recognised SAP / ERP turnaround experts, providing full programme turnaround leadership.
Fire Fighter (ERP / Cloud Programme Assurance)
We help customers identify, remediate and provide long-term governance oversite to their struggling transformation programme. We provide a fix price service with our an immediate 75 point diagnostic check that provides a total view of the state of programme. We can start remediating your programme within of landing.
We also provide “Phase Zero” assurance, ensuring customers have covered all the major factors that will shape their “Future SAP + Cloud First” strategy and the supporting artefacts are fit for purpose.
We help customers understand and deliver their obligations to de-risk and enable successful business transformation. We take the pain out of the delivery model by helping to select and manage the myriad of third party partners required to deliver complex SAP business transformation.
Unlike the legacy monolithic SAP system integrators Dragon ERP doesn't land and expand, we provide a fractional model which runs at your speed. When you need us we are there, when you don’t we will be gone, we don’t land and expand.
If you starting your SAP journey, or need help breaking down the tidal wave of competing priorities preventing organisations unlock the real value of SAP, then contact a Dragon.
If you want to know more about how SAP is changing and how Dragon ERPs Plug and Play transformation methodology unlocks accelerated benefit realisation then contact a Dragon today.
About the Author:
Paul Byrne, Dragon ERP Co-founder is a SAP mentor and influencer with over
30 years’ experience in shaping the SAP journey for the
global 2,000.