Dragon ERP Strategic Direction

Dragon ERP helping CIO’s and CFO’s define their Cloud First and Future SAP roadmap.

10th November 2023, Dublin, London.

Paul Byrne co-founder of Dragon ERP confirmed that SAP partner status has been attained, a key step in Dragon ERP becoming the alternative to the large consulting SAP SIs.

Dragon are also working towards becoming an AWS partner and are working with a number of SAP partners to develop conjoined global delivery services.

Dragon ERP are the fastest growing boutique in Europe with a focus on providing independent and innovative SAP advisory to existing and new SAP customers.

Dragon ERPs strategic growth strategy is to work with customers to maximise their investment in SAP whilst establishing a pragmatic future SAP and AWS centric cloud first strategy enabling organisations to seamlessly scale and evolve at pace.

During 2024 Dragon will focus upon becoming the go to SAP SI for mid-tier organisations seeking to leverage the power of SAP S/4HANA cloud and the wider SAP cloud product base.

Dragon will continue to focus on:

  • Future SAP and Cloud First phase zero roadmap service

  • SAP S/4 Upgrades

  • ECC up-cycling and MVP S/4 Brownfield migrations

  • Helping new customers define how to start and where to start

  • Developing our own S/4HANA public cloud hybrid selective migration service.

  • SAP programme assurance and delivery turnaround

Want to know more, speak to a Dragon

We help customers understand and deliver their obligations to de-risk and enable successful business transformation. We take the pain out of the delivery model by helping to select and manage the myriad of third party partners required to deliver complex SAP business transformation.

Covering the full delivery lifecycle Dragon ERP provides a one-stop shop delivery and governance service, adding delivery "firepower" where required. Dragon ERP, A SAP full flavour system integrator helping organisations adopt SAP S/4HANA — Dragon ERP

Unlike the legacy monolithic SAP system integrators Dragon ERP doesn't land and expand, we provide a fractional model which runs at your speed. When you need us we are there, when you don’t we will be gone, we don’t land and expand.

If you starting your SAP journey, or need help breaking down the tidal wave of competing priorities preventing organisations unlock the real value of SAP, then contact a Dragon.   

Dragon ERP, A SAP Target Operating model Innovation Integrator , changing the way organisations unlock the value of their SAP investment.   

If you want to know more about how SAP is changing and how Dragon ERPs Plug and Play transformation methodology unlocks accelerated benefit realisation then contact a Dragon today.   


About the Author:
Paul Byrne, Dragon ERP Co-founder is a SAP mentor and influencer with over
30 years’ experience in shaping the SAP journey for the
global 2,000.


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