SAP isn't a Marathon or a Sprint, its actually CrossFit

They used to say #SAP implementation and adoption was a marathon not a sprint.

But the marathon analogy simply does not work !!!

70% of #ERP #SAP programmes fail to achieve their required business outcomes, which is surprising because the messaging depicts a simple fun run !!

Lidl gave up on their SAP marathon and wrote off $500m, ouch I bet the investors loved that...

Its hard to run a marathon when you haven't invested in the self governance, time or effort to run 26.2 miles, I should know I have done a few, some well and some incredibly badly.

So the consulting industry narrative analogy changed, the focus shifted to agile with agility, so a #SAP implementation became a sprint, because everyone can do a sprint....

But lots of agile sprints linked together often amounted to more time and effort to complete the programme not less, and the failure rate remained at 70%.

Imagine a critical path sprint plan with some sprints racing at Usain Bolts speed and some at my speed, a simple rule of the ERP Universe is that programmes run at the speed of the slowest element and those elements arise time and time again (see below)

But no one really wanted to analyse why the #ERP #SAP implementation was neither a sprint or a marathon and the consistent failure points, no matter what industry sector, version or form of ERP implementation.

No end of excellent methodologies and tools have been designed around the sprint or marathon, all of them excellent but complex transformation programmes continue to fail.

So here we are, 50 years of complex transformation and the global consulting industry constantly refers to data being the new gold, but fails to reflect on data to validate why transformation programmes struggle ? that's weird isn't it or does the data contain some unpalatable messaging.

I have analysed over 250 global business transformation programmes, across multiple industry sectors of every size and shape.

Just as Sports science has developed to define the physical and mental rules by which athletes prepare for and dispense excellence,

Thus I believe that there is a science to business transformation delivery excellence, how you prepare, how you deliver and how you sustain and embed the change.

There is a common set of principles that apply to every type of #SAP transformation programme whether public or private sector, I call these rules the "ERP Big M", tipping my hat to Prof Hawkins and Cox. If you want to know more about the rules of the ERP universe you will have to read my book out in 2023.

Every good rule within Big M theory should have an equation, in context of transformation I have developed a simple equation to demonstrate the capacity and capability an organisation has to invest to become a successful transformation based on where the organisation sits on the graph....

If ERP Big M theory is the science as to how to deliver a transformation programme, then the equation provides a clear indication to organisations as to what they can successfully achieve in terms of benefit realisation v presales spin.

Lets not forget SAP as an example will showcase the success of its hardcore early adopters that reside in the top 150 or global 2,000 enterprises that have the capital funding and capacity and capability to make any form of transformation a success.

The second point of note is that every transformation programme of whatever shape or nature share a common set of highly commoditised disciplines which need to be exercised during the delivery lifecycle, ignore this simple rule and your programme will fail.

So why CrossFit and what is it ?

"a high-intensity fitness programme incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise a regimen that involves constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity "

Like most complex SAP transformation programmes no CrossFit session is the
same !

There will be common delivery elements, with different exercise components, varied outcomes and durations.

Like CrossFit, a complex SAP programme requires Capital (its not a cheap sport) Capacity, capability (I had to complete a CrossFit academy before I could start) commitment and you tend to run at the speed of the slowest element or component. .

CrossFit is an ideal sporting analogy for implementing and adopting SAP, take a look at this video explaining CrossFit, the first minute nails it

Like any sport, performance data is key ! many programmes fail because they don't break the programme down into trackable volume metrics.

Many runners count ! they count their steps being able to calibrate the distance they run, no need to reference a Garmen or Fitbit.

I have been training since I was 14 so started counting my steps, in the army I was taught to calibrate my steps so when patrolling in the dark or positioning an artillery piece

So today I'm going to do a 10k ski / row combination and will count every 500m being 80 pulldowns and will complete it within 45 minutes

I understand what needs to be done to complete the distance on time and within my capability.

All SAP programmes are essentially the same! If you applied the 80/20 rule then size, complexity, scope all have a factor in shaping the delivery but ultimately the inability to break the programme down into metrics will be the killer.

Your SAP programme does not need to be one of the 70% of ERP programmes that fail !

Successful SAP delivery is complex as is CrossFit but if you plan to succeed, set up to succeed based on the rules of the SAP Universe then you will succeed.

Clarity, Capacity, Cadence, Capability, Commitment, Capital, Consensus are the key areas to be measured.

Dragon ERP has developed a plug and play innovation methodology, leveraging SAPs Activate methodology, SAP tooling, SAP Signavio and Dragon ERP’s own accelerators to help organisations unlock business value in weeks not years.

Most importantly our methodology has metrics imbedded from the start, we codify every part of the programme, giving a real time view of the critical path and blockers to success.

If your interested in SAP, are just starting your journey and need help defining your SAP Adoption roadmap and business case or have started your SAP journey and need help then contact a Dragon.

My Name is Alisdair Bach
I’m a Dragon ERP Founder
I have spent 30 years designing and implementing SAP in support of the global economy.


Dragon ERP, A SAP system integrator changing the way organisations unlock the value of their SAP investment.


Productivity the UK and Europe's Achilles, enter SAP